아바란 아리고리아가코아
루비 반지를 낀 남자
인간형. 카지노. 동지회. 정예.
전투: –.
체력: –.
회피: –.
피해: –.
공포: –.
Aloof. Patrol (clockwise).
Forced - When you engage Abarran Arrigorriagakoa: Immediately advance the agenda.
: Test (3). If you fail, raise your alarm level by 1. If you succeed, discard the top card of the encounter deck and check its game icon. If its color is red, remember that you "stole Abarran's keys."
Borja Pindado
한탕과 허탕 #34. 한탕과 허탕 #34.
아바란 아리고리아가코아
진노한 아바란
인간형. 카지노. 동지회. 정예.
전투: 4.
체력: 4.
회피: 3.
피해: 2.
공포: 2.
While an investigator's alarm level is 5 or higher, Abarran Arrigorriagakoa gains hunter.
Forced - When you deal 1 or more damage to Abarran Arrigorriagakoa, if he is ready: Discard the top card of the encounter deck and check its game icon. If its suit is ♦, Abarran attacks you.
승점 1.
Borja Pindado
한탕과 허탕 #34. 한탕과 허탕 #34.

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