짐의 트럼펫
망자가 말한다

자산. 손

물품. 악기. 유물.

비용: 2.


짐 컬버 덱 전용. 강화된.

당신이 수행하는 능력 테스트 동안, 또는 토큰 하나를 공개했을 때, ‘짐의 트럼펫’을 소진합니다: 당신이 위치한 장소 및 이어진 각 장소에 있는 모든 조사자와 조력자 자산에게서 공포를 1씩 회복시킵니다.

John Pacer
영면 #50.
짐의 트럼펫


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Unlike the regular version, this one is actually NOT unique. So feel free to take it with you on your trip to outer space. I'm sure whatever species you'd encounter would appreciate some smooth jazz. Now that's an upgrade!

Nenananas · 258
impressive for the keen eye. — IvanYHYu · 9
Am I reading the text wrong? from each investigator and ally asset? — randyt1027 · 2
The name says * Jim's Trumpet with a star at the start. Per rules this means the card is unique. Why do you think it's not unique? (I'm not trying to be a butt, there's so many rules that most likely there's an exception to * in name = unique that I don't know of) — sztrzask · 1
@sztrzask: The text here on arkhamdb indicates that the name has the uniqueness star next to it, but the card image on FFG's site and in the print-and-play file seems not to have one: https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/filer_public/2d/09/2d09c406-e05c-4a87-a668-296c0283d4fb/laid_to_rest_cards.pdf — Snakebird_Priestess · 1