Calvin Wright cleaver pete

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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phillosmaster · 177

Calvin experimenting with the Cleaver Pete. Will upgrade Fire Axe to Time Worn Brand. First upgrade is Blood Eclipse to charge him up early. I found it to be very effective at kickstarting Calvin into his late game. Then Pete S level 2 and Time Worn Brand. If you have any XP after than they go Stroke Of Luck to just pass tests early game when needed. To fit the Stroke of Luck and Blood Eclipses in swap out some combo of Fight or Flight and Unexpected Courage. We want Resourceful to cycle Perseverance.

I'd consider swapping Let Me Handle This for 1 Delay The Inevitable. Calvin dying too early is the usual way this deck will fail for me and we want to get him right up to the line early and keep him there for pretty much the whole game.


Jun 02, 2019 phillosmaster · 177

Also I would consider putting the Shovels back into the deck to give him clue gathering power early. Could take an easy test with Resourceful to try and pull them back in if you really need that. The thing to cut down would be Fight or Flight since it's only good late game.