Roland Banks - free clues, ally tank deck (coop)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Maestro_AN · 7

In my opinion Roland is absolute monster.(i only played dunwich + carcosa cycles)

His biggest problem is low sanity stat. and 6 allies helps to mitigate it.

in my opinion adding 2 amulets, is too xp expensive, but adding 1 is inconsistent.

with this build and first upgrade being charisma, i was always able too soak horror with allies, and having one beat cop out for +1 attack stat.

other cards to consider:

lightning guns + ammunition. and to be prepared for anything : stick to the plan.

also calling in favors to change one beat cop lvl2 on another

about clue gathering: we have a lot of options to gather clues without an investigate action. mostly by killing enemies and manipulating treacheries deck, to get enemies and kill them. but when we actually need to investigate it is good to have a mystic with investigate spells. or rogue with lock-picks.