Quick thick Mandy identifies everything (rogue 50)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

joshvarela · 11

First thing I thought when I saw her deck size was, "it might be a terrible idea, but what other time am I going to do it?" I've been a huge fan of the unidentified minigame since its inception (why did you let me down in TCU Matt?!), but I could never before rationalize all this card space till now.

I decided to go to playing silly rogue things to help me adjust with all the actions I'm potentially spending to solve the minigames. And a couple of Slip Away to help me deal with enemies. Plus, with her 5 to naturally investigate, I couldn't pass up on Double or Nothing and Quick Thinking

For the questionable choices:

Backpack I've always liked this card, but I needed better ways to draw my unidentified pieces early.

Tooth of Eztli a cute relic that helps me cycle through my deck quicker and potentially ignore nastier treachery effects. No other accessory slot in this deck, but can be easily flexed for an emergency cache and another fast Working a Hunch or even Connect the Dots. Still seeing if I like it.

Now I know this might seem expensive to run, but I think the 3 Astounding Revelation and 2 Crack the Case might be good enough for now.