Carolyn Has Anger Issues

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

PJFrigate · 272

This deck pushes Carolyn out of the support shadows and into a more traditional guardian role. It assumes she's part of a three- or four-investigator team as the primary (though not only) combatant.

Four weapons and Prepared for the Worst allow her to deal damage in multiple phases. Allies boost her combat score and Blood Pact makes her a beast during the witching hour.

Practice Makes Perfect allows her make the most of her combat skill boosts.

Flesh Ward and strong allies help her cope with her low health, and she naturally manages horror for the whole team.

The cost curve is intentionally low (by Guardian standards) as her only economy comes from her horror healing. Low-cost, ammo-free weapons help in this area. Card draw may be an issue.

And nothing says "cheeky one-off" better than Drawn to the Flame.