TCPA Dunwich Tommy MulDone with this Nonsense

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Neifarious · 42

A relatively simple Tommy deck. We're going to sacrifice our cheap assets, like Cherished Keepsake and Leather Coat, to get resources to pay for our events and more expensive assets.

Currently the only costly card we have is Dynamite Blast but we'll eventually grab Brother Xavier and Lightning Gun. We have some events to help keep us healthy and to fight in the event we, somehow, don't find one of our three weapons. A little side-line clue-ing from Old Keyring but we may upgrade out of it.

EDIT: Now Realizing Keepsake (1) GETS EXILED so I can't recur it! So I'm swapping it out as I'm still between scenarios and instead getting 2x Brother Xavier! I am now realizing you cant edit a list after publishing so just pretend that keepsake is Brother Xavier until I take the ten seconds to copy this list.