"Tommy gun" Thompson

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Tay5967 · 19

Mandy has had enough of the swarm of rats in her house! She's tried everything from private exterminators, the local priest, to renowned occultists in her attempts to rid her house of the pests filling her home. She's desperate for a solution. So in her desperation she's taking it upon herself to preserve her home's real estate value. Naturally bookish, Mandy has found all the research she could muster on her rodent roommates and has come to one conclusion. She just needs to be a bit more versatile! Mandy has always relied on her intellect but sometimes you just have to use brawn. Using her newly acquired tommy gun and maybe a few occult rituals she's going to take down the rats invading Arkham once and for all.

But is Mandy's new toy just for show? Can she kill anything with her poor martial skills or is she harboring some innate prowess? Maybe she should just go live in the library instead?

Deck Rationale

This is just a fun, thematic attempt to make Mandy a somewhat competent fighter. Given Mandy's naturally high intellect, she doesn't really need much help in the clueing department. Of course, it'd be easier to build a deck that helps Mandy evade or just let your fighter friend take care of enemies. But I thought it would fun to imagine what a fighter Mandy might look like.

Mulligan hard for cards that help you search your deck like Rook and No Stone Unturned. Also, you definitely want to find your prized asset the Thompson as soon as possible. The rest of the cards are there to help you finance your new and expensive gun-based hobby or boost your combat abilities.

If your tommy gun runs out use Act of Desperation for one last attack and then use Scrounge for Supplies to recur the gun. You can also use the lexicon and occult invocation to attack enemies. Mandy can still investigate too using her naturally high intellect so you can still be helpful when no enemies are around. Or you can help your friends search their deck using your ability and search cards.

Get all of the right cards together and you too can clear your home of rats in style as Mandy "Tommy Gun" Thompson!