Kill Bill (4-player murderer)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Saej · 3000

A first shot at a very combat-centric Yorrick. Built for a 4-player game where William (Bill) will be the main killer.

Hand slots seem crowded but a bunch either discard to do something or have 'uses' and can be replaced. Leather coat, Dog, and Peter all for tanking hits.

Events are all very 'enemy' focused. No surprises. Cache there for hopefully an early game setup turn.

Skills are the obvious ones. Resourceful is there to grab Lucky! back, if possible.

Let me know what you think!


Sep 29, 2017 OzValdo · 691

Good deck. Two copies of resourceful wont hurt. also to boost his poor investigation skills, lantern & look what u found wud b good. like ur idea around guard dog n leather coat

Sep 29, 2017 exLupo · 8

It's a cheap deck with reliable weapon find; I like it. Maybe overkill with the Fire Axe, though. Dynamite or Physical Training as an alternate resource dump?

I've been looking for a Bill and this seems like it'd be a fun way to wrap my head around recursion. I agree with OzValdo's take on additional Resourceful and more cluevering. Room for "Look what I found!"?

Oct 01, 2017 Saej · 3000

@exLupoOne of the big reasons I cut "LWIF" was that this is for a 4p game and my role is to murder everything. If I wasn't the murder machine, I'd TOTALLY add "LWIF." Especially with the ability to bring it back with Resourceful.

@OzValdoI really wanted a second Resourceful, but the only thing it could recur, outside of Yorrick's 'normal' recur, is Lucky!. That being said, Lucky! is a great card and maybe a second Resourceful would be good. I'm honestly not too worried about clues as the rest of the 4p group is handling those. I brought in Shovel to be a quick combat aid and to help with 'tough' clues on high shroud locations. I expect this build to find 1-2 clues a game. Cutting a Fire Axe for a second Resourceful might be the way to go, just because Resourceful is so damn useful.