Nathaniel Cho goes Down the Rabbit Hole

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

kamiidude · 35

packed full of Spirit events to search up w/ the boxing gloves.

The only non-upgraded card that's planned is Prophetic to ensure sufficient resource generation (and give a combat boost if needed)


Nov 12, 2021 AdamMal4444 · 12

If you're going to do Versatile, why not at least use the off-class card slot? Even if you wanted to stick with Spirit traited cards, you could still throw in a Ward of Protection, Live and Learn, or (depending on campaign) I'm Outta Here...

Nov 12, 2021 chirubime · 26017

@AdamMal4444 they are. they are versatiling in down the rabbit hole so that you can exp discounts for your cards.

Nov 12, 2021 AdamMal4444 · 12

Ah, missed that! Thanks @chirubime

Nov 13, 2021 Kickface · 22

I don't think you can actually Versatile in Down the Rabbit hole since it says you must purchase it as deck creation. It's a fun idea but I think it's not technically legal.

Nov 13, 2021 Kickface · 22

Nevermind I just saw that you used in the thick of it to purchase it at deck creation. Never mind, it all seems good!