Norman Withers, ready for Innsmouth (0XP)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DerBK · 1916

My take on a level zero Norman deck, used as a clue getter for Innsmouth. Daniela Reyes will be his bodyguard. I plan on staying with Intellect as his defining skill for clueing, with Fingerprint Kit as an essential part go save actions.

It's a fairly restrained deck list, but nonetheless some notes in no particular order:

Arcane Enlightenment seems important. There are so many books i want to hold. Livre, Lexicon, Astronomical Atlas, Scroll of Secrets. Then i want to hold a Fingerprint Kit. Taking up the arcane slot is going to mean that i can't dive too deep into spell assets later with the upgrades, but i think that's okay.

No Milan. I already have Fingerprint Kit and Huberts Key as 4 cost assets and i don't want to have too many of those clogging the top of my deck. Midnight Oil, Crack the Case and Cache should be good enough money. Art Student provides some cheap soak and a clue for very low cost, should be fine. Might get replaced with Dayana or Initiate down the line, depending on how the deck shapes up.

I've seen some other Norman decks run lots of skills to go deep on the Astronomical Atlas and Written in the Stars. I decided i prefer the approach where i can be reasonably sure that i can play the top card of my deck every turn if i want to.