Daisy Walker, but she's done with your crap.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

drjones87 · 184

Combat oriented Daisy walker build. The gist of the gameplay is to dilute out her deck with assets in play, and then holding most of her deck in her hand at once. This lets her cycle through the deck extremely quickly, basically reusing blood rite or knowledge is power -> necronomicon to make anything that wants to mess with you have a really bad day. For the high HP sink non elite mobs, disc is there to just simply ignore it. You use logical reasoning for direct horror and the free action of medical texts for direct damage (also for the bonus draw from perception and eureka). You also will note the build has 5 hand slots, but you only have 4. This is because you want to be able to discard Necronomicon/ancient stone when they run out of charges and the only way to do this is to overplay the slot. As such, you basically never pick her weakness back up. All in all, this is a Daisy that is more or less completely testless


Mar 03, 2022 kajomboman · 8

The deck looks great and similar to a Daisy deck I played through TCU. Seems like it would be super fun to try such a focused combat version of Daisy, particularly as her 5 intellect lets her incidentally also just grab clues right along when there is a lull.

In terms of constructive advice, the main issue I see here is that this deck could be plopped onto almost any seeker, as it appears to essentially ignore Daisy's investigator ability and mystic deckbuilding options.

Keeping even a single copy of Old Book of Lore would give Daisy something useful to do consistently with her extra tome action per turn, and synergizes well with Astounding Revelation. As-is, the only tome that includes an action cost to activate is Medical Texts. With the kind of high-powered testless monster solutions that the The Necronomicon and Knowledge is Power provide alone, I did not find that health was a significant issue, and I don't imagine that you would need to use the medical texts every turn. You have also included Occult Lexicon which is a fantastic card and the current darling of my seeker decks, in addition to Ancient Stone. You are simply loaded for war in a way that has little chance of taking any consistent health damage from enemies.

In terms of the theme, Daisy being absolutely /over/ the mythos' nonsense is a super charming approach. I think the inclusion of one or more of Ward of Protection, Deny Existence, Promise of Power could also contribute to that theme. Those cards are also simply excellent. If only Defiance were a better card, it fits the theme so well.

I would also say that, if you have not tried it, that Scientific Theory has been frankly amazing in my current Amanda Sharpe deck as a one-of that provides great soak, actionlessly, and also incidentally makes investigating easier.

In terms of cuts, "I've got a plan!" seems like the weakest and most redundant option. Beyond that point you are making tougher choices, as the remaining cards are still good, and it is then a question of which good options are left out. On this harder, more subjective, round of cuts, I would personally suggest Disc of Itzamna, Logical Reasoning, and Working a Hunch. Maybe even Research Librarian. Not a criticism of those very reasonable cards, but seekers are spoiled for choice.

Mar 05, 2022 drjones87 · 184

I really appreciate the feedback. I had this deck in mind for Carcosa and there's a lot of direct horror/damage in that campaign and thats why I focused so much on healing. I will take your advice into consideration though I appreciate it!