Roland Banks "Ya like dags?"

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Roland Banks Drawn into Carcosa 0 0 0 1.0

Kohapi · 3

Roland as a hunter killer with a pack of sled dogs to do his bidding. Zipping around the map, seeking enemies and finding clues from their carcasses.

I've had a blast with him, both solo and co-op. this is meant to be a build to start a campaign with, as it requires only 5xp. So you should be able to get ol'Roland to this form after a single scenario. Or just start off with 5xp. you do you, lol. Anyway, grow it from here as you see fit.

This does require Dunwich, Carcossa, Edge of Earth, Nathaniel Cho and Harvey Walters packs and expansions on top of the Core to create.

I'm sure others have built this sled dog centered build before, but it is the first deck I've made without referencing any other decks. I'm pretty happy with it, but am open for criticism and comments.

small edit: I've looked around to find other sled dog builds. They all seem to focus on ways to get the dogs out asap. Mine doesn't really worry about that. The philosophy of this deck is "them slobbery best buds appear when they appear. In the mean time, here's my buddy machete and firearm. "

I've played my deck a number of times now, and it's pretty viable as a regular roland deck if them doggoes take their time appearing. In every scenario I've played with him so far he's either drawing money, weapons or allies. All wins, lol. This is just a fun ass deck, in my experience so far.


Jul 01, 2022 Soul_Turtle · 432

If you're willing to give up Guardian 5 in your upgrades, you can take Parallel back to start with the 5 required XP. The rest of the deck is already legal for the Parallel back since you don't use many Seeker cards.