Rita the Reaper

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Hagarena · 140

Rita didn't care much for base ball. Oh, she had the skills for it, but never really see the point in hitting a ball and then run. It wasn't until she moved to Arkham that she found out that the balls you hit with that bat doesn't necessarily need to be base balls...suddenly, it made a whole lot more sense.

This deck is created to be part of an "ALL MISCATONIC CHARACTER EXPEDITION TO ANTARCTICA"(See other decks here: Norman the Butcher) Problem with the miscatonics characters is that they aren't very potent fighters. How to solve that problem? Well, Rita (the forgotten miscatonic charachter) offers you some nice opptions in how to deal with those pesky monsters!

In the beginning you will have to rely on evading and small attacks. The base ball bats and way lay will help you with bigger monsters. When the experience starts rolling in, upgrade to Enchanted bows, brute force and sweeping kick and you will be able to clear the board from most monsters without problem! While still being able to evade any BBEGs to keep your partners out of trouble. Track shoes, Ethereal slip, Bait and switch will help you stay mobile.

The weakness of the deck is that it isn't very good at neither drawing cards, nor gaining resources. Rabits foot, and the grey skill cards will help a bit with the drawing, and emergancy caches and sneak by to get the extra money.

It isnt a very powefull deck, but the skills you bring will be important to the survival of the group and I think it will be interesting to play. Enjoy!