Oceans 8 Starting Experience

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

froggoblin · 1

as monterey jack steals relics from people to put in museums, so kymani jones steals relics from museums to give back to people...in this way, the equilibrium of the world is maintained.

heists are a dangerous game. that's why my kymani is taking in the thick of it AND charon's obol. you might be asking, "but wait! won't you like...probably die? like...permanently?". the answer is yes. better hope you draw the thermos AND get lucky AND play with someone who loves healing you. BUT if you live...you can upgrade to some of the extraordinarily expensive stuff in the side deck. specifically clean sneak, but double, double and gene beauregard are high on my list, too.

here's the plan: use stealth to discard enemies you already evaded. use the crystallizer to double dip into the many, many events. get more actions to evade more beasties. beg your fellow investigators to save you from death - really make a show of it, crying, snot dripping down your face, etc. steal the elgin marbles from the british museum and return them to greece. profit.

what could go wrong?