Finn Edwards Solo - up to TFA plus Starters

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Finn Edwards Solo - up to TFA plus Starters 1.1 7 6 3 1.0

mrsuitcase · 34

This deck was created for a solo blind run-through of TFA (which I just acquired). Before going on its TFA run, I might take it on a warm-up through Dunwich first to see how it handles first.

This is one of my first decks built from scratch (with a little research ahead of time). Any suggestions or comments would be helpful.

Big shout out to the Youtubers "Playing Board Games" which helped demonstrate what makes Finn tick with their videos.

EDIT: Deck updated with help from comments on BGG. New deck here: