Darrell St-Simon: investigating with God on your side

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

HowlinD · 96

This multiplayer deck is a dedicated cluer, utilizing the Scavenging engine for permanent access to our tools. It was combined with Sister Mary, and benefits from her strong Bless Tokens generation. This allowed our duo to have access to almost every card with the Blessed trait, which really complements Darrell.

Blessed synergy :

  • A Watchful Peace and Spirit of Humanity gives Darrell the survivability he usually doesn't have.
  • Ancient Covenant and Jacob Morrisson almost guarantees success at every test (even the ones you're not supposed to be good at).

Since we don't have to invest into too much Bless Tokens generation (running only Token of Faith, Tempt Fate and Keep Faith will do), we have enough room to make a very strong cluer.

Generating evidences : Hawk-Eye Folding Camera, Empirical Hypothesis, and Darrell's signature card, his Kodak.

Reducing shroud levels : Flashlight, Old Keyring, Gumption, Darell's signature effect.

Collecting multiple clues : Old Keyring, Shed a Light, Deduction.

Drawing and paying for your cards : Scavenging (this makes you get back your tools when they are out of charges), Resourceful (same use than Scavenging) Dr. Milan Cristopher (pays for himself, and much more), Preposterous Sketches (good card draw).

This is the 0xp list, starting with In the Thick of It, because Old Keyring (3) is a big upgrade. As we gain xp, we develop the Blessed synergy and upgrade our key cards (Scavenging, Old Keyring), while removing Emergency Cache, "I've got a plan!", or Blessed Tokens generation if we feel like we have too much.

The Side Decklist includes a good number of options that we can pick from, depending on the particular campaign being run, and the other players' decks.