You smell very delicious, but 5U-21 will not bite you

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Sevifor · 15

Lola Hayes and Forced Learning are a stand-in for Subject 5U-21, since 5U-21 cannot be published at this time. This is a quick deck I've thrown together for my group's playthrough and I'll likely make tweaks to the deck after the run is complete. Listed below are my top 0-exp picks for 5U-21. Season to taste.

Deck choices:

This deck focuses on getting 5U-21 to her maximum potential of a base 6 statline and keeping her there as reliably as possible. The goal is to have her statline be all 5's beginning on turn two and then to go from there. To do this, 5U-21 needs a difficult combination of card draw (to offset Uncontrolled Hunger), resources (to play the cards drawn), and Fast cards, to allow her to maintain her stat total without detracting from her action economy.


-Magnifying Glass is a Seeker staple that's perfect for 5U-21. I recommend eating these last to enjoy that extra stat boost as long as possible

-Switchblade. 1 resource, fast, gives +1 to all stats when eaten.

-Solemn Vow is the gold standard for this deck: fast, consumable, zero resources. No notes.

-Delay the Inevitable is expensive at two resources, but it's fast, and it can save somebody's life in a pinch. Mostly, it's just a snack.

-Talisman of Protection is an arguably worse Delay the Inevitable because it only stops two damage, but it can stick around for longer as a safety net without draining resources.

-Open Gate is probably not showing up in multiple copies in a 58-card deck, but you never know! Note that 5U-21 can eat any "non-story card controlled by an investigator at your location" and that "Cards by default enter play under their owner’s control." Due to some ambiguous wording, I'm not entirely sure if 5U-21 has to to eat "a card at her location that's controlled by a player" or "eat a card that's under the control of an investigator at 5U-21's location." If the latter, you can use 5U-21's quick action to eat an Open Gate at any time, since you'll always be at your own location. This way, if you start with an Open Gate, you can drop it somewhere advantageous and wait. If you draw another one, great! If not, you have a convenient snack for later.

-Premonition Remember how I said Solemn Vow was the gold standard? This card is even better. Remember: 5U-21 doesn't need to eat assets, just investigator-controlled, non-story cards that are in play. Premonition checks all those boxes. So you can use it in the intended way if necessary, or just as a 0-cost Fast snack.

Card Draw:

-Mr. "Rook" draws three cards and helps dig for weaknesses at opportune times and can then be consumed afterwards.

-Research Librarian will find you Scroll of Secrets before letting you eat him. He'll even have an Astounding Revelation along the way, making him effectively a 0-cost snack. Value!

-Scroll of Secrets draws three cards and then can be consumed

-Take Heart is excellent on the first turn where you'll easily be able to fail an investigate check. Later on, you can throw it to someone else in need, or just chuck it to her forced consume.


-Schoffner's Catalogue can be found with Research Librarian and offers some resources before eating.

-David Renfield will score you a ton of resources before he and his tasty, tasty doom get eaten.

-"I'll take that!" is ridiculously good. It lets you get a discount on an item AND play that item as a Fast action AND offers itself up as a snack to 5U-21 (non-story asset, controlled by an investigator at your location, in play). This is a 0-cost, fast action snack that also saves resources and an action. Absurd!

-"Watch this!" is a "Fast" way to gain three resources. Just don't draw a tentacle. Simple!

-Astounding Revelation is usually a risk, because you don't want to have to draw it. That risk is mitigated by 5U-21's "Forced Learning" effect that lets you discard it in place of actually useful cards. These are there to make Research Librarians and Mr. Rook even better than they already are. I recommend upgrading quickly into two copies of Lucid Dreaming as well because getting extra copies of Regurgitation is so incredibly valuable. I'm not sure how many copies of Astounding Revelation is correct to run. I've opted for two, but depending on upgrade path, it might be better just to start with all three.