Carolyn calls for backup

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Nully1233 · 3

Looking to use Call for backup and Gang up well by having permanents of many classes. Not many decks also get to start with 4 mental trauma and enjoy it. Game plan is mulligan everything but items and hypnotic therapy, find at least 1 intellect buff, then take about 1 heal horror action, 1 play/move/other action, and 1 investigate action a turn. Keep the clues coming but also the resources for your team and let them take more risks by healing them up. Upgrade priority is ancient stones and archive of conduits as soon as you complete their quests, then call for backups, gang ups, and finally backpacks. Of course while picking up these cards you are also upgrading spells and getting ticks on alchemical distillation with arcane research and down the rabbit hole. Don't forget when upgrading the ancient stone that shrewd analysis gives you a second one for free so get the second ancient stone(1) before doing that upgrade. Good cards to cut, either for upgrades or if removing forced learning, and depending on your team comp and the campaign, would be stand together, first watch, let me handle this, wolf mask, daring. Deck is probably stronger without forced learning, and no down the rabbit hole might also be better, but this is all real jank so even more jank is fun. Also probably only want to play with 3 or 4 players.