Ville's: Yorick compulsary shopper

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ville · 65

Story: As a gravedigger in Arkham there is no shortageges of jobs. Graverobbing is part of the job and its easy geting rich and skilled at distinguishing fake from real golden theets and how to make clean cuts for sellable body parts. However for Yorick his skills are a dread curse that only feeds his shopping addition.

Description: A item and combo heavy investigator, that can hold up to 27 played assets at end of a late campagin scenario. Great at fighting and pouring bless tokens into the chaos bag. Also great at investigating, earning experience and pretty much everything else.

Fight: Early campagin Yorick will use a .32 colt and improvised weapon. Later on chainsaw (4xp) will be used to cut through his enemies. Both colt and chainsaw wilk be resupplied with cleaning kit or playing a second copy from the discard pile. Combined with relic hunter (3xp) Yorrick Will use 1-2 ancestral tokens to fill the chaos bag with bless tokens. Bless tokens can further be used for rite of santification to buy stuff. Late campagin keep them bless tokens in the bag with ancestral (2xp) and sacred covenant (2xp).

Investigating: Lantern is the starting card to improve Yorricks investigating. It might not be much on it own but with improvments with cards like reliable (1xp) and matchbox aswell as winging it, dark horse and later on plucky (3xp) yorrik Will turn into a master cluefinder.

Many hands: To be able to play both chainsaw and lantern Yorrick must first find them as described below. Yorick must also be able to hold them at the same time. This is done by using tinker and bandolier. With two tinker or later during the campagin with bandolier (2xp) Yorrick May hold a chainsaw, a lantern and a scoffners catalouge all at the same time

Mulligan and geared up: Yorrick should strive for a weapon, lantern maybe even tinker during mulligan. Yorrick should also strive for backpack and scoffners catalouge, a combo that togheter with geard up allows Yorrick to play up to 11 cards during the first rund!

Buying discard cards: Using Yorricks special ability and later on scavenging (2xp) Yorrick can buy discarded cards. Short supply Will give you a discard pile right from turn 1. Buying discarded cards makes it easier to find important cards, collect many assets and rebuying a second copy of a played cards to get more ammo/supply/resources or digging through your deck with backpack. When the time is right and Yorick gets his resources through scoffners catalouge/rite of sanfication/Madam Labranch Yorick should play Dark horse to improve stats. Pelt shipment reduce your hand size which is great since it allows you to throw away assets to the discard pile so you dont need to spend actions to play them. When Yoricks deck is about to get reshuffeld he should aim to play winging it/improvised weapon as much as possible to prevent a reshuffel and to keep the discard pile. If Yorick cant play winging it/improvised weapon during a turn and need to reshuffel, he should try to have as many assets possible to take with him to the next discard pile.

Elder token: Should be used to get upgrade cards and bury them deep.

Treachery cards: -Graveyard ghouls are good since they can trigger Yorricks special ability. With chainsaw (4xp) they are easily delt with. -Dread curse puts 5 curse tokens in the chaos bag and does atleast not cost and actions can in a way be dealt with Acestral tokens aswell as sacred and ancient covenent (2xp) to keep bless tokens in the bag.

Experience cards: -In the thick of it should: Take two horror, more sanity can be provided by both Madam Labranch and plucky(3xp) later in the campagin. -Bury them deep should not be used right away, try to save it for tanks during the first acts of a scenario before they get back into the encounter deck. -Pelt shipment will lower the exerience cost of the first next NEW card. Aswell as reducing the cards in your hand as described above.

Other cards: -Wolf mask, a item that gives yorrick a extra boost. -Tracka shoes, a item that gives a small boost and extra mobility. -Madame Labrach good for soaking up damage/horror aswell as giving extra resources when needed.

Upgrade: Backpack -> Backpack (2xp) 1:st Relic hunter (3xp) Improvised weapon -> Scavenging (2xp) Tinker -> Reliable (1xp) 0.32 colt -> chainsaw (4xp) Madam labranch -> plucky (3xp) Bandolier -> Bandolier (2xp) 2:nd Relic hunter(3xp) Tinker -> bandolier (2xp) Ancient covenant (2xp) Sacred covenant (2xp)


Jun 22, 2024 Ville · 65

If you play with the taboo for geard up your mulligan wont be as good. You should still try to get two backpacks to throw items into the discard pile and be able to play them again to dig through your deck for more items.