Token Sealer Akachi [3 players, 2 Campaigns] 0-98xp

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CephalopodicSolutions · 119

Chaos Wrangler Akachi


Three players headed into The Dream-Eaters and (fan made) Return to The Innsmouth Conspiracy campaigns blind. Akachi is accompanied by Mark "Shotgun Surgeon" Harrigan and Darrell "Clue Connoisseur" Simmons.

Investigating Arkham's horrors presents two core problems; clues and enemies. With three players, two of whom are dedicated to each core problem respectively, I'm aiming this third deck to contribute and shine in different way.

Token Sealer

Chaos-bag-wrangler Akachi supports her group by making every test easier.

2x [The Chthonian Stone](/card/04030) : Two of                    
2x [Seal of the Seventh Sign](/card/04311) : The mighty                             
2x [Protective Incantation](/card/04031) : Two worst remaining tokens

Akachi will need to pitch in getting clues and dealing damage as well, with yet more spells. This will all need more than two arcane slots, and a reliable stream of resources for the [Protective Incantation](/card/04031) upkeep.

[Occult Reliquary](/card/10132) holds a [Stone](/card/04030) (or an [Incantation](/card/04031)), opening up a hand slot for [Sign Magick](/card/54008). [The Hierophant • V](/card/54007) opens up accessory slots for arcane use, expandable with 2x [Relic Hunter](/card/02157). This provides a potential for seven arcane slots, of which "only" five are needed, leaving two of the accessory/arcane slots open for [Rosaries](/card/01059).

8/33 cards are earmarked for resources. Making every card drawn a 24% chance to be resource positive. Also, Akachi's signature [Spirit-Speaker](/card/03014) turns upgraded [Alchemical Transmutation](/card/52007) into a potential play for 5 instant resources, and makes [Recharge](/card/60429) a potential resource play as well.

Akachi's bonus charges, and the [Spirit-Speaker](/card/03014), help get extra value out of her sorcerous assets. Upgraded [Uncage the Soul](/card/09095) and [Sacrifice](/card/04234) help maintain tempo when charges do run out.

[Arcane Initiate](/card/01063), the Mystic Draw Engine Supreme. "Initiate?" Please. This card justifies a [Charisma](/card/02158) at some point in a two-campaign arc.

As for static skill boosters, [Holy Rosary](/card/01059), [Living Ink](/card/09079) (eventually +2 & +2) and [Recall the Future](/card/04158) combine with the token sealing to empower the shaman for the challenges ahead.

Upgrade Map

2x [Sword Cane](/card/07029) 2x [Sign Magick •••](/card/54008)
2x [The Chthonian Stone](/card/04030) 2x [The Chthonian Stone •••](/card/53008)
12xp {12}

2x [Alchemical Transmutation](/card/03032) 2x [Alchemical Transmutation ••](/card/52007)
2x [Clairvoyance](/card/60408) 2x [Divination •](/card/08101) 2x [Divination ••••](/card/08103)
2x [Shrivelling](/card/01060) 2x [Brand of Cthugha •](/card/08090) 2x [Brand of Cthugha ••••](/card/08092)
20xp {32}

2x [Holy Rosary](/card/01059)
0xp {32}

2x [Living Ink](/card/09079) (Skill: Willpower)
        Subtle Depiction • (Adds option to turn off the card and save a charge)
        Eldritch Ink •• (Adds skill: Agility)
        Macabre Depiction ••• (Revealed symbol token adds a charge)
        Vibrancy ••• (Additional +1 to selected skills, -1 to others)
9xp {41}

2x [Arcane Initiate](/card/01063) 2x [Arcane Initiate •••](/card/03271)
6xp {47}

1x [Delve Too Deep](/card/02111) 1x [Recharge ••••](/card/60429)
1x [Delve Too Deep](/card/02111) 1x [The Hierophant • V •••](/card/54007)
2x [Emergency Cache](/card/01088) 2x [Emergency Cache ••](/card/02194)
2x [Uncage the Soul](/card/03033) 2x [Uncage the Soul •••](/card/09095)
2x [Voice of Ra](/card/60416) 2x [Sacrifice •](/card/04234)
19xp {66}

2x [Guts](/card/01089) 2x [Seal of the Seventh Sign •••••](/card/04311)
2x [Torrent of Power](/card/03235) 2x [Recall the Future ••](/card/04158)
2x [Unexpected Courage](/card/01093) 2x [Protective Incantation •](/card/04031)
16xp {82}

1x [Charisma •••](/card/02158)
1x [Observed ••••](/card/54013)
1x [Occult Reliquary •••](/card/10132)
2x [Relic Hunter •••](/card/02157)
16xp {98}

Upgrade Path

Work in progress.


When this deck does what it is meant to, bad things happen less often. But tracking things that don't happen is tricky. This deck removes difficulty and levels out the drama curve of the game. This might not be as fun, or feel as rewarding to play, as other decks. A static passive boost doesn't land the same as the occasional high stakes close call.