The Lone Gun-Tective - Ascetic Roland

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

HatfulBob · 185

This was more of a thought experiment concerning Ascetic, who might be best for it. Parallel Roland stuck out to me since he starts with more experience than others as well as tends to run out of high value things to add to his deck due to his shallow card access. All that in mind, here's a fairly simple gun deck.

Stick to the Plan has tons of options. I would personally go for Emergency Cache, Primed for Action and Prepared for the Worst (Considered Custom Modifications being under here, but would anti-synergise with Primed for Action).

You can always add In the Thick of It for 3 more experience to round off a few edges, but this serves as a fairly decent starter.