3 player Multi-campaign Jenny the trickster

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

tecnogod · 2

This is a Jenny build we have played through the night of the zealot campaign. I wanted to carry Jenny into Dunwhich even though she must start with 2 mental trauma. I think the rogue class has a lot to offer with a long-lived character, giving me a chance to use the high-priced items like pockett watch and lucky dice. I added adaptable because I needed liquid courage to help offset those mental trauma and it would cost me 1 XP to swap a single card or... 1 XP to continuously swap out 2 cards so... that was a no brainer. As always suggestions are welcome.

One of our 3 player group is quite opposed to carrying a deck through to the next campaign, I however have the complete opposite opinion. He says there is no point in even trying Path to Carcosa with that character, she has 2 mental trauma... I say bull... Roland has 5 Sanity to start and are you telling me that you can not play Roland in a Carcosa campaign?

So... it shall be interesting to see if I or he is correct... I am keeping an open mind about it, aknologing the possibility that the reduction in unity may be too much of a handicap for Jenny. I suspect however, I am not wrong and she will prove to be a long lived rich bitch!!! Thanks for reading the comments on my deck builds


Apr 23, 2018 Tsuruki23 · 2510

You are both correct.

Bringing an Investigator between campaigns is mentioned in the rulebook and is legal, If a player desires so then the rules support it.

However, I think that people need to be on the same page on this matter. Fresh starts allow groups to change group dynamics and roles, your jenny doesnt look like she can kill a lot of stuff I.E your friends are going to have to pick up that slack, AGAIN. Also your friends might not want to play their characters again and them playing 0xp characters next to your 20+ xp one might invoke some strange emotions. And don't assume that they aren't playing theirs by choice, a 2 Mental trauma Roland for example is unplayable.