Great yet trash? How paradoxical

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Soulchunk · 2

Let me here tell you a cautionary tale

Publishing after finishing Hemlock 4p standard for the singular reason that nobody else has posted a deck with ||Mateo, cause he’s really good. A guaranteed bless per turn? Incredible. The rest of this Blurse deck? Debatable…

I’ll quickly walk through it.

Eye of the djinn? Extremely funny, will recommend. Olive McBride? As overpowered as always. Paradoxical covenant? You can actually manage without. Seal of the elders? Hot garbage even with a teammate running Rod of carnagamos… maybe try it if entire team is running Blurse.

If you want to try this deck yourself make sure to get more draw and more token generation.