Minh Thi Phresh

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DAVEizm · 26

This is where my Minh deck ended up past the halfway point of our four-player run of Carcosa.

Without tooting my group's collective horn we've pretty much breezed through most of the scenarios on standard difficulty (about to play the final scenario). We have a dedicated hitter (Mark), two all-rounders (Sefina and Lola) and myself on seeking duties with Minh.

The deck has been sweeping locations of their clues pretty handily, with 8 clues in one investigation check being a fairly standard result. The idea was to have a lot of skill cards for playing the support role that Minh is so good at, but mainly for hoovering up those clues.

By getting Dr Milan out early, boosting with Higher Education, and saving up those Unexpected Courages and Inquiring Minds, it wasn't hard to hit the 18 or 20 that I needed going into a tough investigation test to clear the location of clues and discard The King in Yellow in one swoop. In most of these tests it was only the that would cause me to fail.

Cryptic Research was originally Preposterous Sketches, Rabbit's Feet work as Unexpected Courages that you can recur with Scavenging, and the upgraded Emergency Caches helped with resources and gave Archaic Glyphs a few extra charges for sweeping locations. In the Know helped in situations when my fellow all-rounders were needed elsewhere and couldn't fully clear a location with VP's on it. I started with Lab Assistants and was going to go for a academic army type build but Pathfinder worked so much better in that spot and card draw wasn't a major problem.

I'm very happy with how the deck worked out in the end and am looking forward to one final run with it during Dim Carcosa.


May 19, 2018 Adny · 1

emergency cache (3) provides supplies, not charges

May 21, 2018 DAVEizm · 26

Ahh man thanks for pointing that out!! Good thing I only added those before the last scenario and put charges down that I didn't use. Still, four resources is pretty good.