Batman Wendy: The Dark Horse Rises (To The Occasion)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Darkhorse Wendy Explores Space 0 0 0 2.0

Soloclue · 2569

Out of the shadows, here comes the oprhaned hero Arkham deserves - it's Batman Wendy.

You probably didn't know Wendy was secretly Batman. That's ok. Nobody knew, until we figured it out a few minutes ago. Now sit back and relax as we bring you the Batman deck nobody asked for.

The first rule of building Batman Wendy - No Illicit cards and no Criminal allies! Batman Wendy lives by a code and always keeps her hands clean of the seedy underside of Arkham.

2x Flashlight - This is your Batsignal!! Flash it around liberally to alert enemies of your presence. The one rule of Batman Wendy is you must yell, "DUNNANUNNANUNNANUNNA BATMAN" every time you use your Flashlight.

2x Knife - These are your Batarangs. "Why would you give Wendy a Knife?" you may ask. "How will that help her with her fight of 1?" That's for Batman Wendy to know and you to find out.

2x Scavenging - This is for when you throw your Batarangs and need to retrieve them.

2x Backpack - This is your trusty utility belt!! Fill it up with Batarangs and you will be unstoppable!

2x Fine Clothes - Wear these when you want to transition back into your secret life as a playboy billionaire.

2x Madame Labranche - It's Alfred! Okay, yes, it's a female Alfred but Batman Wendy is all about female empowerment, so who says Alfred CAN'T be played by a woman, huh??

2x Peter Sylvestre - Your trusty sidekick, Robin!!

2x Dark Horse - As everyone knows, Batman's nickname is the Dark Horse.

2x Lone Wolf - As an orphan, Batman always is alone in the shadows. Batman Wendy is no different, Lone Wolfing it up all over the place. You may ask, why take Lone Wolf AND Dark Horse in the same build? And to that I say, stop asking questions right now.

2x Decorated Skull - These are your parents.

2x Stealth - Who is more stealthy than BATMAN??

2x Daring Maneuever - It's your Batmobile. It's not a great Batmobile by any means, but it's the only thing we could find that fit the bill.

2x Hiding Spot - It's your Batcave!! Feel free to camp out in here while you toss your Batarangs and flash your Batsignal.


2x Unexpected Courage - Because nobody expects Wendy to be Batman.

In conclusion, Batman Wendy is CLEARLY a top tier build that will break the meta of this game wide open. We hope that you enjoy playing this truly incredible deck. Good luck saving Arkham!


May 20, 2018 StartWithTheName · 67687

"Decorated Skull - These are your parents." love it

May 20, 2018 StartWithTheName · 67687

I`ll just leave this here.

May 21, 2018 Django · 5032

This deck is so priceless...

Did you consider Quick Thinking as batmobile instead?

May 23, 2018 gpd924 · 1

Ok, so are all these likes coming from the cleverness of the deck, as in how it relates to Batman because I don't see any evidence of this being a good deck to use in actual games.

May 23, 2018 Soloclue · 2569

@gpd924What?? It's an amazing deck designed to win games. No question, 10/10 deck.

Jun 13, 2018 Myriad · 1217

I think is is missing a few WHAM and POW cards.

But at least you can face off against the Riddler in Path to Carcosa. Just don't speak his true name.