I'm Mr. Machete, and this is my friend who is ALSO a Machete

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Alogon · 1103

Mark Harrigan. The machete wielding maniac!

Hello fellow investigators. This is my endgame multiplayer Mark Harrigan deck on STANDARD difficulty. This deck is insanely strong in the Path to Carcosa campaign, as long as your fellow investigator(s) is/are good at gathering clues (cause you won't be). My goal was to make Mark Harrigan a vicious monster killer and tank. He should protect his clue gathering friends from all enemies and be able to survive all the damage and horror that the encounter deck and scenario throws at him.

  1. Tankiness

Mark Harrigan has amazing stats, specially his 5 is superb. You only have to manage your health pool correctly to avoid Sophie (It was all my fault). Thats why you want to include many allies that can take allot of damage for you. Beat cop, Guard dog and your Bro will gladly take some hits for you. It is also important to build some horror soakers early to circumvent Marks low sanity. Thats why, I expend my first experience points in Elder Sign Amulets and then I proceed to upgrade the coppers and get the Bro Xavier. You could also buy the Key of YS as an horror soaker, but I consider the card OP and dont use it on standard difficulty. You could add at the beginning of the campaign True Grit to your deck but I find it unnecessary. If you get 2 allies out with Charisma and play the Elder Sign Amulet you will be unstoppable, specially late game when you get damage cancelation.

  1. Machete is all you need (on STANDARD difficulty)

The best weapon on STANDARD is the mighty Machete. You should always want to play it as early as possible, that is why you include 2 copies of Prepared for the Worst in your deck. Your side arm is the brand new Survival Knife, it should help you specially if you don't have your Machete yet. You could also include one gun, if you are still scared of not having a weapon on your first hand, but I wouldn't recommend it unless your fellow investigators don't have any way of dealing with enemies. After you have upgraded your allies and have some horror soakers you should get 2 copies of Reliable to use it on your Machete, transforming it in the ultimate monstrosity-killing sword. If you attach 1 copy of Reliable to your machete and have one copper in play (wich is very easy to accomplish), you will be attacking with 8. If you somehow attach 2 copies of Reliable to the machete and have two coppers, you will be attacking with 10!!!! I can tell you, with no ego, that a double upgraded Machete is the finest melee weapon in the game. If, on your journey, you should encounter an ancient one, the ancient one will be cut. You protect your mighty upgraded sword from the encounter deck by having other assets in play, in case you are forced to discard assets. Besides your weapons you have to upgrade Vicious Blow for maximum efficiency...and to be worthy of your mighty sword.

  1. Stick to the Plan

If you are doing well in the campaign, as you should be if you have the ultimate machete and a fellow investigator good at gathering clues, you can get Stick to the Plan to increase your consistency and help your economy. You attach Emergency Cache, Ever Vigilant and Prepared for the Worst to Stick to the plan to get your assets as quickly as possible in play and to search for your machete if need be.

  1. Clue gathering

Intellect is Marks only flaw. Thats why you want to play with another investigator that can do most of the clue gathering for you. Any seeker will do. It is also okey if your fellow investigator/s are not seekers, as long as they have at least 3 and try to build a deck focusing on clue gathering. You can include Scene of the Crime to get some free clues and if your group is struggling you should also include the classic Flashlight and even maybe Evidence!. Yet again I will insist, that Mark Harrigan is at his best when matched up with seekers.

  1. and

Guts should help you pass some important willpower tests and your Bro Xavier should also help with his +1. Still your willpower isn't so great, but that is why you have to build tank. With your amulets, allies and damage cancelation you should be fine even if you are constantly failing willpower tests. Agility can be a problem in some scenarios, I have heard that in the new "The Forgotten Age" campaign agility is quite important, but I haven't started that campaign yet so I cannot comment on that as of now. Anyhow apart from that you should be fine with your 3 and any damage from agility tests you can tank as if it was nothing. I shouldn't have to mention that as a warrior wielding the ultimate machete, when engaged in combat, the vanquishing of thine enemy can be your only concern. Suppress all human emotion and compassion. Kill whoever stands in thy way, even if that be a fanatic, a monstrosity or even an Elder One himself.

Conclusion: --Try to always Stick to the Plan and have your friends around just in case things go south. If someone or something stands in your way, don't try to evade it, cut it to pieces, machete your way to victory!!