Minh Thi Phan seeker/support (Take heart edition).

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

mogwen · 252

"-Zoey, there are no enemies here! You killed them all!

-I know. (sigh) What am I gonna do now?

-Why don't you investigate that location? maybe you'll find something useful!;)

-But I have no chance to find any clue in this high-shroud place with my miserable intellect, Minh!

-I know, I know. (sigh)

-Ok so I investigate this 4 shroud location with my 2 intellect!

-I give you Take Heart!

-I miss and find no clue.

-But you find 2 cards and 2 resources! Lesson of today: Even in failure you can find power if you will it.

-Oh, thank you Minh!

-You're welcome."

Hello everybody! This is my first deck here and english is not my native language so I apologize in advance if I make mistakes.

The idea with this deck is to be able to do the seeker stuff during your turn while supporting the rest of the group out of turn, helping them winning and coping with failure.

Assets are here either as scavenging targets or to help investigate, events are here to help survive ("I've got a plan and MoM) or provide support (Logical reasoning and Shortcut).

And a lot of skill cards! Of particular notice is the card Take Heart. Take Heart is not here for when you are not sure you'll pass the test but when you are sure they won't, when finn faces rotting remains for exemple, or when the guardian has no foes to kill and fancies himself a true investigator by taking a 4 shroud with is laughable 2 of intellect (I see u Zoey!).

Upgrade path: You only need 5 XP to make this work! 3 for Higher Education to help you trigger scavenging and 2 for 2 try and try again which helps you keep your skill cards for when it counts and helps trigger Take Heart multiple times which for a support is amazing!!! Then all the rest is bonus! Personally I would go with no stone unturned(5) to help you find your Analytical Mind or help a fellow player find a critical card, and archaïc glyph(guiding stones) and Deduction(2) to help you empty locations. Please feel free to critic my build to help me improve it!


Sep 01, 2018 Django · 4906

Nice deck. Didn’t think of Minh for take heart combo but she works better than other investigators with Analytical Mind.

You could replace some skills with more items to commit (don’t play them) and add Backpack to speed up your deck. They can be recovered with Scavenging.

Sep 01, 2018 mogwen · 252

Thank you Django! Yes, Analytical mind, Try and try again and take heart make for a pretty efficient combo! Use resourceful to bring back Try and try again and you can Take Heart all day long if you want! And for your backpack advice, unfortunately I played such a deck recently and I wanted a little more diversity. I'm currently thinking about Eureka, it could be a good card for Minh!