Never try the Merchandise (DttF Competition Entry)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Doovies · 601

Scenario - The House Always Wins

Difficulty - Standard, Standalone

Theme - Liquid Courage should never go in a Finn Edwards deck. Which makes me think he is a light weight drunk. And what better place to get drunk then the Clover Club and what better person to steal booze from then his classy mentor Dr. Armitage!

Story - You should know better then to steal from friends, but pilfering from Dr. Armitage's private stash while he was rambling on was an easy mark. A classy jeroboam of Pinot, Merlot and a quite rare bottle of Madeira from the coast of Africa.

You knew this would fetch a fair price, scalping to the desperate and thirsty. Besides, Armitage wouldn't miss three bottles surely. From the night he was having, you're almost certain he'd downed three already.

You decide to head on down the the docks and see if any of the shift workers need a pricey pick me up. The good Doctor can wait. "Wouldn't want to disturb his hot streak". To make sure the bottles are legit, you decide to sample some of the merchandise. One spot check... Then another... then another... One last nip...


You stumble down back alleys in the search for Doctor Mahogany.. "Doctor Manley?... Morgan! Doctor Morgan". He should be around here somewhere. Around the corner? Or right behind you? Are you pursuing him? Or is he pursuing you! You about turn fearfully and fall to the ground, making a clanging ruckus as you fall into arrangement of trash cans. Picking yourself up, you can't quite remember what it was you were doing or where you were going... But you do smell pasta, and can't remember the last time you had a bite to eat. You shuffle against the wall and press on slowly, but diligently all the same. Following the scent of bolognese to the La Bella Luna.

Objective - You're on one hell of a bender. Half seas over. Grab a bite to eat. Wait wasn't there a club around here? Where's my wine? There may be some form of doctor here? Who knows. What could possibly go wrong?


Sep 08, 2018 Magnificate · 1197

The best use of Strange Solution is clearly to drink it, innit?