TFArkham - Daisy Walker

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

LegoMech · 1

2nd session notes:

The 2nd Carcosa session was interesting. I had many useless cards due to clues being on people and not locations, and needing to Parley and not Investigate. However, Daisy handled herself very well. I made a tactical decision that cost us a couple of clues in the end, but we still walked away feeling good with our progress. And Daisy defeated the Man in the Pallid Mask, so that was satisfying.

So far the advancement plan is working as desired. Despite not getting a single ally out this game, I had three in hand by the end, so I am tempted to focus on Charisma next. Honestly, St. Hubert's Key has been the critical card both games so far, although in this game Old Book of Lore was a fantastic first-turn drop. I always had tons of resources even without Dr. Milan Christopher.

I am actually tempted to save up 5 XP to re-buy two Archaic Glyphs and upgrade both immediately using Shrewd Analysis. I don't see any reason I can't legally do this, and although I wasn't able to drop either upgraded Glyph this game, both would have been super helpful. If we manage to pull off 4 XP next game, I can definitely see myself doing that and then prioritizing Book of Shadows over Charisma. Honestly, the Event cards have been pretty useless so far this campaign and I've only been using them for skill checks.

I do want to say that having two Quantum Flux's has been great. I don't stress if a great card gets discarded and the ? symbol has been super helpful to shore up Daisy's weak evade checks. Totally worth it, just for piece of mind. Ward of Protection has also been clutch and if the player that has the other one ever upgrades theirs I am totally stealing it.

I am open to feedback though!

Older Notes:

(Recap for readers who weren't in my gaming group): This is a deck I am working on for a 4-player Carcosa run we are starting. I just finished playing Zoey in a Dunwich run and she was the only survivor. It was an epic ending but I always felt a bit useless when we were focused on finding clues (although ironically in the last game she found the two crucial clues she needed to exit and survive). Anyway, for this run I hope to clue hunt and do some team support, and leave the combat to the other players, so this is the way I am leaning.

This is what I wound up with because several of the cards I wanted were already taken by other investigators. I have to proxy Shrewd Analysis (because I can't find the card) and one copy of Archaic Glyphs (because another investigator took it) but neither should be a big deal. Shrewd Analysis is not used during the game and I plan to upgrade the Archaic Glyphs ASAP.

Proposed Upgrade path:

Ideally I will translate Archaic Glyphs the first session, allowing the first 3 XP I get to upgrade both tomes to their spell versions (Archaic Glyphs/Archaic Glyphs) using Shrewd Analysis to pay only once for both spells.

Then I would replace Shrewd Analysis with Higher Education.

Next I would focus on getting Charisma, Book of Shadows, and Pathfinder, replacing Arcane Studies at the first opportunity.

Those are my core buys and immediate priorities, and cost 11 XP total so will probably take a while to accumulate. After that things open up more.

I would consider Encyclopedia but that's not a definite.

I would also consider Bulletproof Vest if my allies aren't soaking up enough damage.