적. 기본 약점

인간형. 추종자. 은빛 황혼회.

전투: 2. 체력: 3. 회피: 3.
피해: 1. 공포: 0.

먹잇감 - 오직 이 약점의 보유자만 쫓습니다.


강제 - ‘은빛 황혼회 시종’이 공격한 후: 현재 주요사건에 파멸을 1개 올려놓습니다.

당신은 은빛 황혼회 고위 성직자의 진정한 비밀을 알게 된 그날을 결코 잊지 못할 것입니다. 그 끔찍한 진실 때문에 당신은 아직도 은빛 황혼회에게 목숨을 위협받고 있습니다.
Mauro Dal Bo
기본판 #102.
은빛 황혼회 시종


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This card always seems to appear right when it is extremely inconvenient for me. The fact that doom is placed directly on the agenda is just so devastating to your game tempo. The 2 fight is not much of a challenge but the fact that Silver Twilight Acolyte has 3 health means most investigators will have to use at least 2 actions to take care of this card unless you have some special effect at your disposal like Agnes's special ability or vicious blow. To summarize, a kind of annoying reflecting the itch in the middle of your foot.

bullettrang · 13
One exception: this is the best possible weakness for Roland. Easy to kill, generates a clue. — FarCryFromHuman · 1
I'd say for every investigator except Roland and maybe Zoey, this is the worst weakness. Killing it can easily take more than 2 actions if you're unlucky or unarmed, and it's disastrous if left unchecked. — CaiusDrewart · 3191
As bad as this card may be, in Carcosas "A Phantom of truth" (4-players) it saved us a lot of trouble. We took a lot of attack of opportunity-damage from this guy and luckily the doom tokens went straight to the agenda (instead of to the acolyte, in which case they would have been subtracted from the agendas doom tokens) and thus the 3 nights were much faster over. Dont' know, if the designers had this in mind while creating this guy/the scenario, but we breezed through the scenario. Crisis as opportunity :-) — Darkangel23 · 1
If you cancel the attack, with cards like "Dodge" and "Hypnotic Gaze", then doom is NOT placed on the agenda, is this correct? — Yoritomo · 13
That is correct. — Yenreb · 15
Hello, What about killing him with a Counterpunch before he attacks ? Does this counts as cancelling the attack and therefore the doom ? — Dncan · 7
I know this is old but I don't believe Counterpunch (0) would work, as they both trigger after the enemy attacks, and Forced effects take precedeent. Counterpunch (2) should work though, as long as it dies! — LazilyExtroverted · 7