아컴의 숲 - Back
Growing up, you were always warned to stay out of the woods at night. Now you know why.
아컴의 숲
뒤얽힌 덤불
장막: 2. 단서: 1.
This location is investigated using instead of the skill indicated by the investigation attempt.
An old horse trail in colonial days, this overgrown path hasn't been used in over a decade.
Matthew Cowdery
기본판 #154. 지하 세계의 포식자 #13.

연관된 카드
- Arkham Woods: Hidden Path (Return to the Circle Undone #21)
- Arkham Woods: Place of Power (Return to the Circle Undone #22)
- Arkham Woods: Bootlegging Operation (Return to the Circle Undone #23)
- Arkham Woods: Great Willow (Return to the Night of the Zealot #33)
- Arkham Woods: Lakeside (Return to the Night of the Zealot #34)
- Arkham Woods: Corpse-Ridden Clearing (Return to the Night of the Zealot #35)
- Arkham Woods: Wooden Bridge (Return to the Night of the Zealot #36)
- Arkham Woods: Unhallowed Ground (기본판 #150)
- Arkham Woods: Twisting Paths (기본판 #151)
- Arkham Woods: Old House (기본판 #152)
- 아컴의 숲: 낭떠러지 (기본판 #153)
- 아컴의 숲: 조용한 빈 터 (기본판 #155)
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