지하 세계의 포식자

고대의 존재. 정예.

전투: 5. 체력: 6. 회피: 6.
피해: 3. 공포: 3.

Hunter. Massive.

Umôrdhoth gets +4 health per investigator.

Forced - At the end of each investigator's turn: Ready Umôrdhoth.

If you control Lita Chantler: "It's only after her!" You throw Lita to Umôrdhoth in order to spare your lives. (→R3)

Stephen Somers
기본판 #157. 지하 세계의 포식자 #16.


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Note that Umôrdhoth doesn't have the Monster trait, so it will not take increased damage from Lita Chantler.

  • Note that the action ability here is not a Parley, so you will get hit by an attack of opportunity when using it, and your investigator can be defeated before that action resolves.

  • If an enemy is “considered” engaged with you because of the Massive keyword, it will enable abilities – like the Machete’s – that require you to be engaged with an enemy. However, there is no timing point of engagement, you’re just “considered” engaged with it, so you can’t really trigger reactions to becoming engaged with the enemy, like Zoey Samaras or Zoey's Cross.
Last updated


The FAQ provide a good explanation of why this last scenario is usually not much loved. Basically almost anything that you could try to shorten the massive amount of beating that the investigators stand to receive (3 damages and 3 horrors per each per round...) is disabled: no Lita, no Machete, no Cross... (Edit: the Machete works, it was an error on my part. Of course it has been duly taboo-ed but against this enemy one is fully allowed to disregard the taboo list, in my opinion!)

So, not only you have a huge, huge enemy, which was expected: but all of your "smart ideas" are frustrated.

It may hammer the point home... But is not a lot of fun.

Lord Phrank · 75
Looks like a solid target for pendant of the queen though — NarkasisBroon · 10
Pretty sure Machete works just fine, per the FAQ. — Kergma · 11
I also find it annoying that Zoey's Cross doesn't work on massive monsters--I think this ruling is both unnecessary and athematic (Zoey should be at her best fighting huge monstrosities!). I also think it would have been nice if Lita said "Monster or Ancient One enemies." But Machete does work fine--though I would certainly recommend using something a bit more powerful if your plan is to hack through this massive health pool. — CaiusDrewart · 3191
thank you for noticing my error, I was thinking about the various mechanics and got confused. Will fix it. — Lord Phrank · 75

Easy to kill if you have Butch with a sledgehammer on your team. Best paired with Aquinnah. She redirects the damage and the exhausts Umôrdhoth and (just) has to take 3 horror. And she has plenty ways to mitigate that.

In addition let her wield some Survival Knifes so she can counterstab once or twice.

If you are playing with only core set cards, about the only weapon which can damage him reliably is Roland's custom .38, so try to fight him on a location with clues. Other investigators are going to need talents to pump their skills, testless damage, or a lot of good cards to commit. — tessarji · 1
Roland's .38 is only going to chip away at him, though. You can't afford to stall, since he hits like a truck. Shotgun, in my opinion, is probably the best from the Core Set, just make sure you have 2 or Extra Ammunition. — Tinkorn · 1