



Revelation - You must either (choose one): draw 2 cards and place 2 doom on the current agenda (this effect can cause the current agenda to advance), or take 2 horror.

A voice inside your head offers you power... For a price.
Stephen Somers
기본판 #178. 요그소토스의 권속 #3-4.
힘의 거래


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Core set card that's awfully dumb. The doom option is absolutely never worth it (draw 2 cards for a loss of two cards, two resources and six actions), so the card might as well read take two horror.

drjones87 · 194
Very much depending on situation and player count. In solo, if the horror would defeat you, it's a no brainer to take the cards. — Susumu · 372
Of course no one is going to take the doom, unless they're about to die. It can be a pretty nasty card at the wrong time, forcing players to decide if one of them being eliminated is better than taking 2 doom. — Tinkorn · 1