주요사건. Stage 1

파멸: 6. 단서: –
Your welcome in Dunwich has been cold. A string of disappearances has left the already aloof townsfolk on edge. Most of them look at you with distrust, and few are willing to help in your investigation. Who knows what will happen if you don’t find the location of the missing townsfolk soon...
Rafał Hrynkiewicz
제단에 흘린 피 #196. 제단에 흘린 피 #2.

첫 번째 피 - Back

Whippoorwills gather along the gambrel roofs of Dunwich and begin to shriek in jubilation. The people of Dunwich believe that the presence of whippoorwills foreshadows somebody’s imminent death. Do they long for your death? Or is the victim someone else?

If there are 3 or more potential sacrifices, choose one of them at random and place it underneath the agenda deck, without looking at it.

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기이한 실종 사건


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