주요사건. Stage 2
파멸: 6. 단서: –
As the sun sets, the frightened townsfolk retreat into their homes and lock their doors. It is clear to you that many of them know more than they are letting on. A sickening feeling turns over in your stomach as the village’s true nature becomes clear.
Rafał Hrynkiewicz
제단에 흘린 피 #197. 제단에 흘린 피 #3.
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More whippoorwills flock to Dunwich village as the night progresses. The other townsfolk, notoriously superstitious, are terrified by the birds’ presence. With the doors around you shut and locked, you find yourself alone in the streets of Dunwich.
If there are 2 or more potential sacrifices, choose one of them at random and place it underneath the agenda deck, without looking at it.

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