
마법. 통찰.

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당신이 조종하는 카드 1장에 있는 파멸을 모두 제거합니다.

Andreia Ugrai
파멸이 기다리는 곳 #267.
월광 의식


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So, at the time of release in the Dunwich campaign, there's only a handful of cards that this one will apply to:

... and this card is awesome. It makes Blood Pact actually work. Previously, 1 doom for +3 to a test seemed, well, expensive. This would only leave the 'end of agenda' turn to make use of Blood Pact (when further doom wouldn't hurt).

Now, though, go nuts! Blood Pact all over the place. Just hope that you can draw Moonlight Ritual (or better, already have one) before the agenda advances, and then clear it down.

I really like the gambling nature of this combination. It feels like a Faustian pact. Will I draw Moonlight Ritual? Do I wait one more turn and use Blood Pact one more time, risking Ancient Evils, or do I clear it now and struggle with a test?

Brilliant combo, both thematically, and in play.

AndyB · 953
How is this not a ritual? — Rothemd · 2
Well, now that we're seeing more rituals being printed I guess we know. Rituals all seem to be magical spell-like assets that don't use charges. All Spell assets use charges. Except for Blood Pact, Espteric Formula, and Split the Angle. DANGIT FFG! Those three are a permanent, story asset, and signature card respectively, but it's still an annoying number of exceptions. — Death by Chocolate · 1487


With de Vermis you relive your past,

And Alyssa's got next turn's forecast,

But both, you'll allow,

Drop a deuce on your 'now.'

Let the moon clear the crap you've amassed!


The debt on that Pact that you made

Has come due, and it needs to be paid.

You’ll dry up like a prune—

But wait there’s the moon!

Kneel, sinner, and pray for its aid.


Twice now damnation you’ve dared,

And twice has your black soul been spared.

But now you and Dave

Are ripe for the grave.

For three pardons no deck is prepared.