This is a fantastic card for many mystics, especially later in the campaign when they might have picked up some trauma and when there are treacheries/enemies that dish out tons of horror. The two symbols is just what you need, since you use it for almost everything through spells. Agnes in particular loves this, since any horror healed off her allows her to deal more damage, and she is more likely to succeed by 2 with her innate 5 willpower + potential boosts. Even better if you chose to include Arcane Research, since the two mental trauma means this card will be live from the very start.
본성. 단련된.
XP: 2.
이번 능력 테스트에 성공하면, 공포를 1 회복합니다(난이도보다 2 이상 높은 차이로 능력 테스트에 성공하면, 공포를 1 대신 2 회복합니다).
우리가 이 어둠 속에서 굳건히 버텨야만, 다음 날 떠오르는 태양을 볼 수 있다.
RJ Palmer
파멸이 기다리는 곳 #268.

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