주요사건. Stage 3

파멸: 6. 단서: –
Throughout this warped dimension, no matter where you travel, there is a haunting shape in the distance. At first, it appears as a disc, like a black moon with many wriggling arms. But as time passes, you can tell it is growing larger and larger…

Forced - After you are moved to a location by an encounter card effect: Take 1 horror.

Stephen Somers
시공간을 헤매다 #314. 시공간을 헤매다 #4.

열쇠이자 문 - Back


Revelation - Spawn the set-aside Yog-Sothoth enemy at The Edge of the Universe. If The Edge of the Universe is not in play, spawn it in Another Dimension, instead. Advance to agenda 4a.



(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • There are floating definitions of scenario and encounter cards in the Rules Reference, but for the purposes of card effects, and for the sake of simplicity, the two terms should be considered interchangeable. The act, agenda, locations, scenario reference card, locations, and all cards in the encounter deck are all considered encounter cards.
Last updated


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