주요사건. Stage 4

파멸: 2. 단서: –
The shape in the distance smashes through the barriers of this dimension, its many arms reaching to envelop everything you see. Its body is like an ooze, covered in eyes and mouths. You feel insignificant, like a bug, next to the creature’s terrifying grandeur.

Forced - After you are moved by an encounter card effect: Take 1 horror.

Forced - If Yog-Sothoth is defeated, (→R3).

Stephen Somers
시공간을 헤매다 #315. 시공간을 헤매다 #5.

요그 소토스의 공격! - Back

Seeking the rift from which you entered this dimension, the extradimensional horror lashes out, crushing entire realms within its grasp.

In player order, Yog-Sothoth attacks each investigator in play, regardless of Yog-Sothoth's current location. Then, flip this agenda back to its "a" side.

만물의 종말
만물의 종말


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • There are floating definitions of scenario and encounter cards in the Rules Reference, but for the purposes of card effects, and for the sake of simplicity, the two terms should be considered interchangeable. The act, agenda, locations, scenario reference card, locations, and all cards in the encounter deck are all considered encounter cards.
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