Very interesting. A Phantom of Truth actually feels like it has a fairly low enemy count (basically just the 7 Byakhee), so this helps pull them out, preventing the encounter deck from turning into just a constant stream of treacheries. At the same time, there's a test to avoid it, so if you need to, you can try to pass the test to avoid dealing with the enemy. I don't like this as much as Hunted by Byakhee (which isn't blocked as easily by ), but it's still a creative way to mitigate the quest's low enemy count.
Revelation - Test (3). If you fail, discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until an enemy is discarded. You must either draw that enemy, or that enemy attacks you (from the discard pile). If no enemy is discarded, take 1 horror instead.
Sebastian Rodriguez
진실의 망령 #224. 진실의 망령 #27-29.

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