This card is really very good. Even ignoring the 2x Agility icons, it has lots of play. It's difficult to describe exactly what you would use it for, as its such a tactical card, with its use depending on the situation, but here are a few scenarios where I have found it useful.
- Dropping a weapon or ally from hand, then using the weapon straight away with a bonus.
- Similar to the above, but powering up with a Hot Streak, Emergency Cache, or other card
- Using it as a pseudo-Overpower, by drawing a card, pulling a resource, (or anything else), fizzling the attack and then unloading your weapon
- Using it to drag an enemy to a location, so somebody else can deal with it, similar to Shortcut, except you also get to do something at the end. (Evade the enemy perhaps)?
- Using it as an Unexpected Courage for game-winning checks, possibly even by Engaging a monster you didn't need to
- Using it for a local Dynamite Blast, followed by an attack
Basically, it is often Unexpected Courage + Dodge, all for 0 XP, 0 Resources, and even when it isn't, it can function as a double-Agility.
It's in all my rogue decks, and I rarely want to take it out. It's up there with Elusive, Leo and Lone Wolf as one of the best 0 XP Rogue cards, in my opinion. It doesn't have as much impact, but it's got so much value.
Oh, and the picture is cool too.