주요목적. Stage 2
단서: –
Inside the shop, an middle-aged woman wearing the height of fashion inspects the Eztli relics on display with admiration. How did those relics get here? And what does this woman know about all of this?
Objective - If there are 1 clues on Maria DeSilva: You must remove them and immediately advance.
Joshua Cairós
운명의 실 가닥 #137. 운명의 실 가닥 #25.
마리아 드실바
보기보다 많은 것을 알고 있다
인간형. 음모자. 정예.
전투: 3.
체력: 4.
회피: 2.
피해: 1.
공포: 1.
Revelation - Switch this card with the Bystander version of Maria DeSilva, removing that version from the game. Remember that she is "Ichtaca's prey." Advance to Act 3e - "The Brotherhood is Revealed."
승점 1.
"You don't understand what you are meddling in!"
David Hovey
운명의 실 가닥 #137. 운명의 실 가닥 #25.

연관된 카드
- 기이한 유물 : 마리아가 준 정보 (운명의 실 가닥 #138)
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