주요목적. Stage 2
단서: –
Inside the shop, an middle-aged woman wearing the height of fashion inspects the Eztli relics on display with admiration. How did those relics get here? And what does this woman know about all of this?
Objective - If there are 1 clues on Maria DeSilva: You must remove them and immediately advance.
Joshua Cairós
운명의 실 가닥 #138. 운명의 실 가닥 #26.
마리아가 준 정보 - Back
Maria takes a puff from her cigarette before responding to your questions. She tells you that she overheard some well-to-do patrons putting down several outrageously pricey bids on the Eztli artifacts. "I don't even know where these artifacts came from, but those people seemed to know exactly what they were looking for," she claims. Perhaps if you follow this trail of money, you'll uncover more about this mysterious group that operates in Arkham's shadows…
Remember that both Downtown and Rivertown are "Ichtaca's destinations."
One at a time, in player order, each investigator discards the top card of the encounter deck. Each investigator who discards a treachery card must draw that card.
Advance to Act 3e - "Strange Occurrences."

연관된 카드
- 기이한 유물 (운명의 실 가닥 #137)
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