- Clarification: If an investigator is instructed to “resolve” multiple revealed chaos tokens, any game or card effects which refer to “the revealed chaos token” in the singular should be construed to apply to each of the revealed chaos tokens. For example, when applying chaos symbol effects during Step 4 of a skill test or applying modifiers to an investigator’s skill value during Step 5 of a skill test, the effects and modifiers of all of the resolved chaos tokens should be applied, even though the rules state “the revealed chaos token.” Similarly, any card effects that refer to “the revealed chaos token” refer to all of the resolved tokens. For example: An investigator plays Premonition , which reads: “Put Premonition into play, reveal a random chaos token from the chaos bag, and seal it on Premonition.” That investigator then uses Olive McBride to “reveal 3 chaos tokens instead of 1, choose 2 of those tokens to resolve, and ignore the other.” In this case, both of the resolved tokens would be sealed on Premonition, even though Premonition only refers to the revealed token as a singular token. Likewise, when Premonition instructs that investigator to “Resolve the token sealed here as if it were just revealed from the chaos bag,” the investigator should resolve both of the tokens sealed on it. Additionally, when resolving multiple chaos tokens, any game or card effects which trigger if a certain chaos token is revealed—such as the text “If the named chaos token is revealed during this skill test…” on Recall the Future—will trigger if any of the resolved chaos tokens meet the specified conditions. Such an effect will not trigger twice if two of the designated tokens are resolved. Note that this entry only applies when multiple chaos tokens are “resolved.” If multiple chaos tokens are revealed and all but 1 of them are canceled or ignored, this entry does not apply. - FAQ, v.1.4, September 2018
예지. 의식.
비용: 2. XP: 2.
당신이 수행하는 능력 테스트가 시작될 때, ‘미래를 떠올리다’가 준비 상태라면, 혼돈 토큰 하나를 호명합니다: 이번 능력 테스트 동안 호명한 혼돈 토큰이 공개되면, ‘미래를 떠올리다’를 소진합니다. 그런 다음, 당신은 이번 능력 테스트에서 +2 능력값을 얻습니다.

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
I do think that this seems like an under-utilized card. I think that people think initially that it is an interesting card, but don't like the way that it makes the investigator feel when it isn't actually "doing anything". When you don't pull the chaos token from the bag that you called, the card feels as though it is not doing anything for you and it was a waste.
It is always doing something for the investigator, and only at the end of the game can you really look back and see exactly what it did in that one instance of the game. But it is best not to look at it from that perspective, because some games you will use it many times and some you might not see the token at all.
It should just be analyzed statistically as to what it is doing for you every game at the pre-game stage when it is operational. Statistically it should be increasing your chances of success on every pull by 1 or 2 tokens (sometimes 3) which would usually account to 2/15 (roughly depending on the bag) or a 8-13% better chance of success on every pull. Until you actually gain its benefit of course for that round. When you have 2 on the table your chances go up for every pull even further.
Sometimes I think it is a good idea to look at a card from a different perspective and all of a sudden the card feels better. For instance (and this won't directly relate, but I think it is a decent way of thinking about a similar effect)...if the card read that you would gain +1 in all of your stats until the card was exhausted I think that it would be looked at in a much better light. It really is doing something similar to that. Usually by calling a token with this card you are eliminating 2 tokens, and usually by getting a +1 on a test you are eliminating 2 tokens (sometimes many more at the right level with bad tokens etc.). While this example is better with the +1 instead of the called token in most cases, in many situations it identical to what the original text of the card is doing. But it feels better to think of it "doing something" proactive instead of reactively.
I know that I want to come back to this card and spend xp on it again, and just wanted to discuss it a bit. I think it is a good card that just doesn't give you the satisfaction for the work that it does.
Don't be fooled by the name - this card is actually False Covenant in disguise. Naming "curse" with this will turn a curse you draw into a 0 and remove it from the bag, so go ahead, get crazy with curse interactions! False Covenant is slightly better because it's Permanent, of course, but Recall the Future has an edge in that you still get the benefit for drawing the curse from cards like Armageddon.
This is really good in Jim, particularly in TFA and Carcosa due to the nature of their Chaos bags. Both bags have a tendency to just be Skulls + 1 other symbol based on your route.
Let's look at Echoes of the Past on Hard. For Jim, assuming he has Recall the Future in play and names the Cultist/Tablet/Elder Thing (whichever there is two of in the bag, which is how the bag will be unless you Doomed out at the party), the bag is:
7/17: 0 or greater 2/17: -1 4/17: -2 2/17: -3 1/17: -4 1/17: -5 And as always, 1/17: auto fail
Assuming for another investigator that the Skull is passed when at -2 you're looking at a change from 64.7% success to ~76.5%. That is quite the gain, and Jim pulls significantly further ahead once the Skulls breach -3, which isn't unheard of in this scenario after the mythos phase.
The thing is this card effectively gives you that same ~12% boost to your success rate until you actually need it. It's just like Lucky! in that sense.
Lucky! is more powerful per use of course, but you don't get it back every single turn. Playing more aggressively against the odds and knowing you have a way to get there anyways allows you to conserve your resources and gain tempo.
Just be careful to name a token that will actually make you pass a given test. Recall is not optional. If you call your shot, you get your +2 so make it something that actually counts. Especially vs Mythos tests you might not care about, try to name something you only have a 1/17 or so pulling.
Still, I encourage you all to try this in your Mystics and off-class Mystics. Lucky! is a genuine consideration in any deck that can take it, so don't sleep on Recall if your deck building restrictions don't allow taking it.
Pairs well with the curse suite of spells (Shroud of Shadows, Eye of Chaos, Armageddon). You still do need to pass those tests when you draw those curses and Mystics lack an in-faction way mitigating them (since Curse of Aeons is basically unplayable on anyone not named Jim) so naming turns this into a worse Blasphemous Covenant that doesn't need curses to work. They also stack if you happen to draw multiple curses.
It's definitely not cheap to run though, but hopefully you're Dexter and are also running Faustian Bargain. If not, ask your Rogue to share.
Defiance, eat your heart out. (Worth it!)
This card is basically insurance against the chaos bag. All of those narrow "I am fine so long as I don't draw this token" situations can now be eliminated due to this card. It works really well with cards that draw multiple tokens and might have some interactions with ritual candles (which, again have interesting interactions with multiple token draw cards).
Add in some token sealing and you have some consistent tests. Most mystics will like this card, but it will really shine in any investigator (Jim Culver and Father Mateo especially) that is considering the upcoming Olive Mcbride and Dark Prophecy.
This card does some serious work with Premonition, Olive McBride and Dark Prophecy. I also think that this package is particularly potent in Sefina Rousseau as she also has a pretty bomb diggity elder sign trigger AND she can play premonition on tests with cards like Double or Nothing.
So in closing, this card is amazing. Play it with Premonition, Defiance, Dark Prophecy and Olive and you should be well on your way to having a consistent experience through Hard difficulty.