자산. 조력자

조력자. 요원.

비용: 7. XP: 5.

체력: 4. 정신력: 4.

당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 다른 조사자가 받는 피해 그리고/또는 공포를 ‘연방 요원 파견’에 할당해도 됩니다.

‘연방 요원 파견’을 소진하고 이 카드에 피해를 1 줍니다: 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 적 하나에게 피해를 1 줍니다.

‘연방 요원 파견’을 소진하고 이 카드에 공포를 1 줍니다: 당신이 위치한 장소에서 단서를 1개 발견합니다.

Kyri Koniotou
혼돈의 손아귀에서 #274.
연방 요원 파견


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Leo Anderson has friends in high places.

  • A touch cheaper (same prices as the other Leo) and actionless if played with Leo's special ability.
  • Or pay in installments, with somebody else Leo hired cheap.
  • Leo's got the bankroll to afford them, thanks to dubious life choices, and a fondness for guns that shoot money.
  • Non-unique, so you can second them to your intern.
  • Versatile. Actionless AND Testless dmg & clues... clues in particular a nice add for Leo's meh booklearnin'.
  • After which they love to be Inspired, which Leo has a habit of doing with his other friends in medium places.

Obviously not showing up early in a campaign, and likely not among your first upgrades.

I roleplay Leo as a cross between Zap Brannigan & L. Ron Hubbard given his employment practices, so I like to think the feds aren't so much showing up as "backup" but rather because they'd "like to ask him a few questions."

HanoverFist · 730
The dream is the Flare into this. — brerlapine · 19
The new rookie cop Tommy Muldoon can flare his friends in now. — liwl0115 · 41
Zap/Hubbard. Genius. — mythosmeeple · 455
Great ideas! — Coach Pete · 1

At five XP and seven resources, you absolutely have to build your deck around agency backup. It’s not incidental, it should be critical.

Thematically, this card is Roland Banks pulling out all the stops. No more skulking: it’s time to meet force with force. It can give him clues or some sanity soak, and with Hallowed Mirror he can keep it going even longer.

Zoey would have to pick up some rogue economy cards to afford this.

But this is the card Tommy players salivate over. Calling in Favors to make it happen, then using them up to get cash back. (The last damage/horror can even come from someone else at your location, giving you eight resources, three damage and three clues per use.)

Pair this with the The Star • XVII for truly ludicrous results.

MrGoldbee · 1468