I think both other reviews posted right now are accurate but focusing on Tommy Muldoon a bit too much. Obviously, he likes this card a lot. But I think that anyone who has access to the Star should think about running a copy. That doesn't mean they all do, but it hard to argue with the power this brings to the table for .
Let's start with the obvious: Beat Cop, Agency Backup, Guard Dog. All allies that need to take damage/horror to do their thing, now they can go for a bit longer. It is worth mentioning that the Council in Exile made a level 2 Guard Dog that gets even stronger with this card.
On top of that, anything that just soaks now soaks better. Leather Coat? You got it. Cherished Keepsake same thing. But if you like to play to protect your squishy teammates, True Grit and Something Worth Fighting For get better too. And lets not forget Brother Xavier and Tetsuo Mori.
The other tarot slot card in is Ace of Swords, I haven't seen in played much because boosting can be done in easier ways. I do think the 3 cost is real, and multiple copies are bad without Anna Kaslow or Moon Pendant. Still, getting to put one down early is probably going to give you another 5 or 6 soak over the course of a scenario. Put a Charisma in to get out as many allies as you can, and go nuts.