Q: Question about FAQ 1.13: "(1.13) Shuffling A Card Into An Empty Player/Encounter Deck A single card cannot be shuffled into an empty player deck or encounter deck via card effect. If this shuffling would occur during the playing or revelation of a card that is typically discarded after it is resolved, such as an event or treachery card, it is discarded. Otherwise, the card remains in its current game area." How does this interact with cards such as Rex's Curse, Kleptomania, and The Thing That Follows? For example, if you fail a skill test as Rex due to Rex's Curse while you have an empty player deck, does Rex's Curse get discarded (because it is a treachery while it is being resolved and generally speaking treacheries do to the discard pile) or does Rex's Curse remain in play (because Rex's Curse specifically would never be discarded so by 1.13 it remains in its current game area)? Similarly for trying to clear Kleptomania with an empty player deck or defeating The Thing That Follows with an empty player deck.
A: If your player deck is empty when you would discard those cards: (1) Rex’s Curse would stay in play, as it cannot be shuffled into an empty deck, and the rules that would discard such a card don’t apply to it. (2) Kleptomania would stay in play for the same reasons as Rex’s Curse. (3) The Thing That Follows would be discarded instead. This is mainly because of process of elimination; it’s an enemy with no health remaining so it can’t stay in play, but it can’t be shuffled into the player’s deck, so in the end it’s discarded. (November 2023 Rules Submission)
자산. 기본 약점
정신이상. 재능.
비용: –.
다인플레이 전용.
폭로 – ‘도벽’을 당신의 플레이 영역에 둡니다.
: 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 다른 조사자 한 명으로부터 자원 2개를 가져오거나, 또는 물품 자산 하나를 가져와서 조종합니다. 그런 다음, ‘도벽’을 당신의 덱에 섞어넣습니다.
강제 – 당신의 차례 끝에: 공포를 1 받습니다.

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
What’s up with the card art. Looks like a photo of some cosplayers. I also saw this in the Arkham Horror Third Edition’s latest explanation set. In my opinion the art for this card breaks the immersion. Anyone else agree?
I love the design of this card. All the new basic weaknesses are great actually, I can't wait to play them. This is genius though. Arguably it's not even a weakness. Imagine having this in a group that includes Preston or Jenny. You can turn it into a resource engine. At the same time it opens up some serious grief tech combinations along with "You owe me one!", "You handle this one!" etc, if you want to have fun screwing over your friends. Probably not recommended, but it's great that this exists.
As Kleptomania is a weakness with a player card type (asset), the player retains control of it when played to their play area. This means it should be a valid target for Dexter Drake to use as a sacrifice for his ability.
Subject 5U-21 can devour this card due to her Ravenous Forced effect or her own free-triggered ability, right? It is not a story asset, it is no longer in hand once revelation effect is carried out, so it can be choosen as a valid target for a non-story asset controlled by an investigator in her location, and therefore this weakness is a blessing in disguise for her. She can even chose the order of "at the end of your turn" resolution so not a single point of horror will be assigned to her. Or am I missing anything?
how will it work with Charon's Obol? Who will get the additional exp? I guess the owner will.Because u should get Charon back when the game ends,and Charon give the owner exp during the resolution of a scenario. Or the thief will get?That's very interesting.