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자산. 조력자

조력자. 범죄자. 꿈꾸는 자.

비용: 3.

체력: 1. 정신력: 2.

사용(자원 9개).

당신이 능력 테스트를 개시할 때, ‘그레고리 그리’에 놓인 자원을 최대 3개까지 소비합니다: 이번 테스트에 성공했으며 난이도를 넘어선 차이가 이렇게 소비했던 자원 이상이라면, 이렇게 소비했던 만큼 자원을 획득합니다.

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Hector Ortiz
천 가지 무시무시한 형체 #162.
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He's as good as he seems, but forget not the risks involved.

faction characters have typically struggled for good ally options that dont lead to bankruptcy, Leo De Luca is nice but he's inconvenient in many decks, Lola Hayes and Delilah O'Rourke are 3 XP and drain your resources pretty much immediately. The other in-faction people are rather... disappointing.

Enter: Gregory Gry.

  • Sanity tank. Check.
  • Resource generator. Check.
  • Manageable price. Check.
  • Throwaway. Check.

Yeah this dude is definitely something you should try out, especially in a "succeed-by" archetype. Just a little pointer though. Dont go crazy with the 3-resource gambles, do it piecemeal with 1 or 2 resources unless you have a pressing need to fund a big gun or something.

IS he better than Leo? Leo is probably better overall, but you can fit Greg into way more deck archetypes or even both characters together, once you've got all the money off-of Greg you'll be glad to take some more damage on him, unlike other characters that you'dd usually cling to like Ashcan to his dog.

Tsuruki23 · 2558
Greg + Lola are a good team. Tony approved! — StyxTBeuford · 13029
I would use him with any status boost card and success "more than 2" cards — AquaDrehz · 198
He gets easier to trigger the bigger your investigator's main stat, making his ability more reliable. — Django · 5114
Am I correct in reading that the “by at least that amount” clause means if I “bet” 3 resources on a skill check and succeed by 2, that I would get nothing? Or would I get 2, and lose the third resource? I’m just curious if it’s an all or nothing kind of bargain. — LaRoix · 1645
@Django: Also, don't forget Lockpicks. Shouldn't be too hard to win by two when you're testing at 7-10. — Zinjanthropus · 229
@LaRoix When I read the card literally, I understand it to be an "all-or-nothing" approach, making it a bit of a gamble to bet 3 resources. — snacc · 1008
I'm really liking this guy in Winifred, with Delilah and Charisma. 1. Helps fund Delilah, 2. Helps turn on Money Talks earlier for willpower tests, 3. can tank deck-cycling horror to avoid the tempo hit that is losing Delilah (Losing Leo is probably even worse). Have only had Charisma for 1 scenario, however, and only just adapted Greg back in, so we'll see how it goes. — Zinjanthropus · 229

Five years into the game's run, Gregory is still the best rogue(0) ally. Leo and Lonnie both have amazing abilities, but they’re expensive. Probably not viable outside of big money builds or fighting. But anything a rogue might wanna do they can do better with Gregory. Lock picks, Mauser shots, funneling your money with hard knocks(4)...all fun.

There’s one advantage nobody’s mentioned, though. In scenarios that attack your resources, Greg keeps your money safe. He doesn’t mind if you only get a few bucks a turn all game, then call in favors to replace him with Delilah or Tristan. He’s a gambler, he knows how the game is played.

MrGoldbee · 1473

I was considering this ally in my Winifred's deck, but he costs 3 resources to potentially gain 9, netting +6 resources. Putting 2 copies of "Watch This!" can also gain me +6 resources and help me with my skill tests. I think he might be worth it in a Leo deck, played for only 2 resources as a free action.

Ezhaeu · 50
Watch This can't soak horror! — MrGoldbee · 1473
You can also Calling in Favors to morph him into a discounted Leo de Luca. — StyxTBeuford · 13029
Using one card to make 6 resources sounds better than using two cards to make 6 resources -- twice as good, you might say. — Spritz · 69
Actually, Wini's ability does sort of mean that two committed cards have the same hand-size cost as one played card; I see what you're getting at. — Spritz · 69
Greg is pretty great. He can tank 2 horror, and help power up stuff like Well Connected/Money Talks, or just make playing Leo de Luca a lot easier after you eventually sacrifice him. — Zinjanthropus · 229

Just want to point out that young Gregory works well with TSK card Hit and Run. Especially if you can land it with a Sleight of Hand Flashlight turn. I think in a lot of decks you ought to pass the 0 shroud check by 3 twice out of the three attempts.

Looks good in a Charlie deck.

slyguavas · 49