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The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward...



장막: 4. 단서: 2.

Underground River cannot be fully flooded.

Forced - After Underground River is revealed: Increase its flood level.

승점 1.
Patrick McEvoy
인스머스에 드리운 음모 #104. 침수 동굴 #5-6.
지하 하천
지하 하천


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: What happens if an Underground River becomes fully flooded while it is unrevealed, and then becomes revealed? A: It cannot be fully flooded once it has been revealed, so set it to the nearest state (in this case, partially flooded). Its forced effect fails. - FAQ, v.2.0, August 2022
Last updated


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